Yonkers Newswire Publisher Brian Harrod provides the latest community news written by award-winning editors, citizen journalists, community activists and local reporters…..
BIGDEMBATTLEBREWING: #Yonkers‘ state Sen. Shelley Mayer and Zephyr Teachout are officially running to to replace Letitia james as New York Attorney General – While former governor #AndrewCuomo is reportedly among many Democrats mulling entry in the 2022 primary.
#YonkersNY resident and state senator Shelley Mayer, is an attorney who has cultivated strong ties to organized labor during her time in both chambers of the Legislature.#ShelleyMayer‘s record as a moderate and reputation for being highly responsive to constituents could give her an edge against the competition depending on who else might jump into the race.
The now-four-time candidate and Fordham University law professor Zephyr Teachout has also officially announced her official entry into the state attorney general’s race.
The more liberal #ZephyrTeachout laid out her platform to battle corruption, tech monopolies and “greed” in the pharmaceutical industry.She also said she would advocate for women’s rights, climate justice and improved elder care if elected
.This is similar to past pledges in past campaigns for governor, state attorney general and Congress.
Political insiders say that Andrew Cuomo say he is considering mounting a comeback dark horse run for the office with his massive political war chest that has millions and millions of bucks.
Cuomo served as state attorney general from 2007 to 2010, the year he was elected governor.Plus there are at least half a dozen others saying they are entering the race.
YONKERS VOICE: What: High School Teens fight in the middle of Warburton Ave.
YONKERSMAN: Charged in cooking oil theft at Burger King in New Jersey
TIMESLEADER: NYS pair charged in alleged theft of cooking oil from Burger King
HANOVER TWP. — A man and woman from New York state face theft charges for allegedly stealing used cooking oil from the Burger King fast food restaurant on Carey Avenue Thursday morning.Jansel Lopez, 25, of Mount Vernon and the woman, #FidaAltaweel, 27, of Yonkers, were apprehended on South Main Street, Wilkes-Barre after they drove away from the restaurant in Hanover Township around 8:30 a.m.
TEAMJAMES: County Executive George Latimer and a dozen #WestchesterCounty legislators are endorsing New York Attorney General Tish James for governor
WHITEPLAINS: At a press conference George Latimer said James’ record as attorney general proves she would be a good leader for the state.
EXTENSIVEEXPERIENCE: George Latimer previously was one of Westchester’s former state Senator and Assemblyman listed the county elected officials backing James.
QUOTE: “It’s important for me to give you those names so you understand the depth and breadth of the support that is brought to the Attorney General today,” George Latimer said.
“People that represent different parts of Westchester County: urban parts, suburban parts and rural parts, because the success in 2022 in the state of New York is going to require us to bridge the gaps of urban, suburban and rural.”
George ” Never lost an Election” Latimer is breaking from many other establishment Democrats who have endorsed Governor Kathy Hochul who is running for a full term after replacing #AndrewCuomo this summer….
BARSTOOL SPORTS: Barstool Pizza Review – Dunwoodie Pizzeria In #Yonkers
YONKERS EVENT: Come ice skate in downtown Yonkers for #free and shop at a one day “Winter Market” and listen to DJ, Ultra Violet On Saturday December 4th….
DRONEINSPECTION: Glenwood Power Plant, #Yonkers, NY
The Glenwood Power Plant (also known as the Yonkers Power Plant) in Yonkers, built between 1904 and 1906, is one of two power stations constructed for the electrification of the New York Central Railroad from Grand Central Terminal to the northern suburbs of New York City….
YONKERSHISTORY: The Glenwood Lodge was located at 390 Nort Broadway and was a residential hotel owned by Annie Lane, wife of Herbert Booth – who was a son of William Booth, the Founder of The Salvation Army.Herbert
Booth lived and died in Yonkers and wrote many of the songs that The Salvation Army uses in its services, even today.
It was torn down in 1958.
JUST NORTH OF YONKERS: A new movie theater is opening in #DobbsFerry at Rivertown Square on December 9th. $5 movies on Tuesdays. Meals will be served at the theater.
MORE NEW YORK NEWS: From Patch Labs – New York City and Westchester, NY, news from the Roundup Newswires News Network And Publisher Brian Harrod; including Yonkers, White Plains, Mount Vernon, Peekskill, New Rochelle and Rye.
YONKERSHISTORY: This Year The #Yonkers Police Department Is Celebrating Its 150th Birthday
The #YonkersPoliceDepartment started as a 14-man unit in 1871, and the #YPD has evolved into a department with over 600 officers….
CONGRATULATIONS: YonkersRotary Member And Rotary District Assistant Governor #BinaAhmad Has been Honored as “Rotarian of the Year”
LONGTIMEVOLUNTEER: Bina Ahmad joined the #WhitePlains Rotary Club in June 2011 and transferred to the then East Yonkers Club July 2012.
With the merger of the two #YonkersRotary Clubs in July 2013, she has continued her membership in the club and became Vice-President
in 2019.At the District level, she has been Assistant Governor for 2020-21 and 2021-22.
PRESS STATEMENT: Released By Yonkers City Council Man John Rubbo
YONKERS: On Tuesday morning, 11/30/21 three people committed a burglary at approximately 3:49 AM. The perpetrators broke into a phone store at 695 Yonkers Avenue.
QUOTE: “This type of criminal mischief will not be tolerated in the City of Yonkers and especially in the fourth council district. Our small business owners have already suffered greatly during the pandemic and these heartless thugs just added salt to the wound. This city will not accept this type of activity. I am confident that the Yonkers Police Department will bring these thieves to justice,” stated Councilman John Rubbo“My sympathy goes out to the business owner and I am here to assist in any way possible” added John Rubbo.
The Season Of Peace And Joy Arrives In The City Of Hills….
LET THE FESTIVITIES BEGIN: Yonkers Voice Video Journalist Ru Ros As Yonkers Officially Opens Christmas Season!!!
VIDEO: Reporter Ru Ros takes you to #GettySquare welcome the holiday season with a tree lighting ceremony, music, dancing and #free refreshments
IT’S TIME TO FORGET YOUR TROUBLES: Join Mayor Mike Spano, Assemblyman Nader Sayegh, Yonkers City Council President-Elect Lakisha Collins-Bellamy, Councilman John Rubbo and other dignitaries – as we celebrate in the city of hills…..
WESTCHESTERCOUNTY: Tibbetts Brook Park Gazebo Groundbreaking In #Yonkers….
Brian Harrod is the publisher and editor of the RoundupNewswires.com news website, as well as, the hyper local YonkersNewswire.com news and social media pages. You can learn more about Mr. Harrod at BrianHarrod.com.