The cities of Poughkeepsie and Yonkers are the latest Hudson Valley governments to file suits against the manufacturers and distributors of opioids.
Several Hudson Valley counties have also filed suits, all alleging the manufacturers misled the public with their advertising and marketing and have thus created the opioid epidemic.
The cities contend the crisis is causing them to spend millions in costs related to addiction and abuse, including health care, criminal justice and victimization, and lost productivity.
“This is our call to arms,” said Yonkers Mayor Michael Spano. “Big pharmas’ deceptive and carless marketing practices have led to the drain of resources by local municipalities needed to combat this growing epidemic.”
Poughkeepsie Mayor Robert Rolison said the opioid crisis “must be dealt with squarely.” He said Poughkeepsie “refuses to sit idly by while people are suffering, and we believe these specific pharmaceutical companies and their distributors are a big part of the problem.”