The population of the village was 5,864 at the 2010 census
HYPER LOCAL NEWS: Larchmont Newswire
The village of #Larchmont, New York is conveniently located just 18 miles northeast of midtown #Manhattan.
Residents of Larchmont enjoy its historic architecture and walkable downtown in #WestchesterCounty.
#ManorPark offers stunning views of the ocean as well as walking paths, a gazebo, and a picturesque rocky coastline.
Larchmont is home to three public elementary schools and one private, which has received high marks.#HommocksSchool educates middle school children and has also distinguished itself as a leader in educational excellence.
High school children attend the nearby #MamaroneckHighSchool.
Notable alumni includes such as actor Matt Dillon, artist Norman Rockwell, and LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner…..