Congressman Eliot Engel has issued the following statement for immediate release:
“Because of the opinion column calling for using the military against American citizens on American soil – and the obvious pain it causes for the paper’s journalists of color – I have decided not to seek the New York Times endorsement and I call on my opponents in this race to do the same.
Sadly, any endorsement from an editorial board that supports the publication of such un-American demands at a time of great pain and turmoil is not worth the paper it’s printed on.
No U.S. Senator should be calling out the military on the pages of the New York Times.
And no real progressive leader can morally accept the paper’s endorsement.
We must stand with those protesting the paper’s policy, and reject their consideration until this and all similar columns are struck from the Times archives and an apology is issued by the editorial board and publisher.
No one respects the right to free speech more than I do – and no one has more respect for journalism.
That’s exactly why I reject this process.
And that’s why I’m cancelling my interview.
Every progressive seeking election in this country should do the same.”