YONKERS: The first day of school, which was set for Tuesday for students at School 17, is now being pushed back until Wednesday.
Superintendent Edwin Quezada is forced to shut down school as contact tracing is ordered and the school is required by the Governor’s executive orders to do supplementary cleaning of the entire school building.
Teachers and other school employees were ordered not to enter the school and a message on the school’s site says, “Out of an abundance of caution the school year will now start Wednesday and that no staff with the exception of the custodial team and approved contractors can enter the building.”
The rest of Yonkers’ schools will begin the online remote instruction as scheduled on Tuesday and teachers and staff members must show up at those schools.
Yonkers school district administrators were notified on Saturday about the positive case and on Sunday School 17 staff members by phone and email, but waited till the last minute on Monday to inform school parents.
School officials say the exposure could have happened on Sept. 1st.
Going forward school staff must complete a daily COVID-19 questionnaire attestation form, wear a face covering and follow social distancing requirements while in schools
Superintendent Edwin Quezada on Sunday emailed all administrators reminding them to follow CDC and state workplace guidelines.