YONKERS: The Board of Education approved furloughing 400 CSEA Unit 9169 Yonkers School District employees to at least till October 5th, when students may start to transition to hybrid instruction after starting school remotely today.
Yonkers Public Schools Superintendent #EdwinQuezada said he asked the Board of Education to take the step of letting 400 #CSEA9169 bus monitors go, because New York may soon cut 20% of its so-called Foundation Aid payments, which needier school districts, like #Yonkers, depend upon.
Yonkers Schools funded the monitors last school year during the pandemic, but the superintendent says the district can not continue to do so.
The unionized bus monitors only make a liitle above the minimum wage and must pay dues on top of that, but will now have to apply for unemployment and may lose health care benefits.
It would have cost the school $350,000 to keep the 400 CSEA Unit 9169 Yonkers School District workers on the payroll, but The City of Yonkers did not seem to fear that their would be any repercussions for wholesale #CSEA layoffs.
Superintendent Edwin Quezada And Board of Education President Stephen Lopez are continuing to look for ways to avoid further cuts in cost and services, but can not make any promises to CSEA 9169 or Yonkers Federation of Teachers unions at this time.
Sadly, the two school unions have not worked together in a coordinated manner to protect union positions needed to positively affect students’ education.
#UnionLayoffs, #WestchesterCounty, #NewYork, #NYSUnemployment