YONKERS ROTARY: There Will Be A #Free Grab And Go Meal Distribution At Jacobson Pharmacy This Saturday (January 23rd) While Supplies Last
JACOBSON PHARMACY: There Will Also Be An Immunization Clinic This Saturday To Protect #Yonkers Residents From Getting Sick From The Flu.
BROWN BAG IT: After Getting Your Free Grab And Go Meal And Get Your Free Flu Shot, Then You Can Do A Medicine Interaction Check With The Pharmacists At Jacobsons Pharmacy at 231 Ashburton Avenue
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please contact Yonkers- East Yonkers Rotary President Steven Simpson or Tim Hodges..
Rotary has partnered with their friends at Hindu Temple TriStates, Dos Marias, and Jacobson Pharmacy to provide hot ready-to-eat meat to the community struggling due to the Covid19 Pandemic or other economic issues.
First come first serve, no registration necessary.Robert Jacobson Pharmacy will be on-site to answer pharmacy-related questions and to offer #free flu shots to those who qualify.