YONKERS: The potential financial nightmare facing the Yonkers Public Schools amid a state budget crunch is getting worse by the day.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has warned #NewYork may have to reduce projected spending for education by nearly $4 billion if $15 billion in aid from Washington is not approved by Congress.
At the same time, the state’s cap on property tax increases, a source of revenue for school districts, is due to remain largely flat this year.
If budget modifications are not made now, programs and teachers could be severely cut in June, especially since the rainy day funds have already been depleted in the city of hills.
The author is Brian Harrod is the publisher and editor of the RoundupNewswires.com news website, as well as, the hyper local YonkersNewswire.com news and social media pages. You can learn more about Mr. Harrod at BrianHarrod.com.