YONKERS: — Rep. Jamaal Bowman released the following statement in recognition of Asian American and Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander Heritage Month:
“The tens of thousands of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPIs) living and working in New York’s 16th Congressional District make it the beautiful and vibrant community it is today. I encourage everyone to spend AANHPI Heritage Month learning more about the expansive history and cultures represented in the AANHPI community.
“There is no single story of the AANHPI experience, but rather a diverse and rich tradition that contributed to the fabric of American culture. Their story is one of community, strength and vibrancy. The achievements of the AANHPI have been instrumental in all areas of our society.
“We recognize that this year has been a tremendously difficult one for our AANHPI community, who are not only dealing with the devastation of the pandemic, but a terrifying increase in hate crimes as a result of years of vitriolic racism. No one should ever live in fear for their safety because of their race or heritage. Hate crimes are not just an Asian American issue — they are an issue for all of us, and we’ll continue the work together to eradicate all forms of violence and white supremacy.
“I also want to recognize the significance of Vice President Kamala Harris making history this year as the first person of South Asian descent to hold the Office of the Vice President. I look forward to continuing working with President Biden, Vice President Harris, and my colleagues in Congress to further expand opportunities for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders, who have been historically underrepresented at all levels of government.”