As a family physician, Dr. Rabadi offers individualized attention that patients don’t often receive when visiting multiple doctors.
Dr. Rabadi is affiliated with St. John’s Riverside Hospital and St. Joseph’s Medical Center, both located in Yonkers, New York.
At his Yonkers, New York office, patients receive routine checkups, immunizations, and screenings.
Dr. Rabadi provides care and counseling for most acute and chronic conditions including hypertension, arthritis, and diabetes.
He also treats anxiety, depression, sexually transmitted diseases, and erectile dysfunction.
Dr. Rabadi even coordinates any specialized care patients may require outside of his office.
Dr. Rabadi not only treats the illness, but the whole person – an approach that impersonal, segmented healthcare can’t offer. When treating a patient.
Dr. Rabadi considers the patient’s family history, overall health, and lifestyle needs to provide the best treatment available.
In today’s world, every member of the family moves in different directions.
A single practice available to everyone offers welcome comfort and convenience.
Address: 656 Yonkers Ave, Yonkers, NY 10704
Phone: (914) 229-2459